Policies for the Legacy Unit No. 706

Thank You Very Much for Choosing Our Condominium for Your Vacation!

  • No Smoking Please

  • No Pets Please

  • Credit Cards Charged at time of Reservation (Billed through Biz4USA, Inc. dba Supply Express) Cancellations are non-refundable unless approved in writing by Owner Bob Singleton. In most cases, if a replacement renter is found for your rental period, then you will get a full refund.

  • Great News! Your Quoted Price includes everything and is your TOTAL COST (No additional cost for cleaning, taxes, deposits, or fees!)

  • General Condo Rules

Check In Time is Available No Later Than 4:00 PM

Check Out Time is 10:00 AM

Note: If you have any problems please contact the owner at 334-590-7537. He will contact local personnel to resolve problems which might occur. DON'T FORGET YOUR PARKING PASS. Cars subject to being towed off without displaying permit on rear view mirrow.

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(Modified by Owner Specifically for Guest of Unit 706)
Return to Unit 706 Owner Page

The House Rules are for the purpose of promoting harmonious living at Legacy Towers Condominiums. It is the responsibility of each owner/guest to observe them.

Guest Guest shall reimburse the Owner for any expenses incurred for clean up, repair, or replacement of any property in Legacy Towers Condominiums damaged personally or by your guests negligence or fault.

Quiet Hours A minimum of noise is to be observed between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. This includes, but is not limited to, radios, TVs, music, parties, pets, voices, children, vehicle operations, stairway traffic, repairs, or any noise that may disturb the residents.

Noise and nuisance No occupant of any unit or their guests shall at any time make such noise or create such other nuisance as to substantially infringe on the rights of any other unit occupants to the quiet enjoyment of their units. Examples of actions prohibited by this rule are blaring music or other amplified sounds, persistently revving a noisy car engine, or idling a car which smokes excessively.

Fire Safety Use of any installed fire extinguisher must be reported to the Board of Directors and Association Management (228-897-3644) immediately.


Smoking in not permitted inside of the building (common areas). Unit 706 does not allow smoking in Room. Use designated smoking areas

Parking Area Guest must receive a parking hanger to be hung on their rear view mirrow. All marked parking is reserved and owned by each designated unit and no one other than that designated unit owner may use that space. Any violation will result in the vehicle being towed at the vehicle's owner's risk and expense. Portico's are for drop off and pick up only.  No parking more than 5 minutes.  Delivery trucks must register with office and will be responsible to keep area clean, to remove all packing materials and boxes and to make sure elevators and lobbies are free of debris. 

No parking in any fire lane

Excessive speed will not be tolerated. The parking area (entrance, driveway, sidewalks and parking stalls) are not to be used as a recreational area. Children are not permitted to play in these areas. Motorcycles, children's wagons, tricycles, bicycles, etc. are not to be parked on sidewalks or landscape areas.

Access to common walkways, driveways, fire hydrants, garbage disposal areas, and streets must be clear at all times.

No inoperative vehicles will be allowed to remain in the complex for more than 24 hours. All vehicles must be capable of immediate movement under their own power. No storage of vehicles is allowed due to the limited parking areas. Garage and Parking areas may not be used for anything other than parking of vehicles, no maintenance to be performed.  Repairs required as a result of damage to the asphalt caused by gas, oil, transmission, and other leaks will be the guest's expense. No parking of motor homes, recreational vehicles, boats, large trucks, campers. etc

Landscaping No alterations to the landscape are permitted without prior approval of the Board of Directors. No signs shall be placed in the lawns, flower gardens or on the fences, etc. Signs may only be placed within the unit itself, e.g., in the window. The fences bordering Legacy Towers Condominium serves as a crime deterrent and for resident privacy. Climbing over the fences is not permitted. The access is the driveway. Nozzles or sprinklers are to be used on garden hose when washing vehicles. We each pay for water, which is one of our highest utility costs. Your cooperation will be appreciated by everyone

Garbage Disposal Area Garbage collection is once a week and is paid by the Association for the benefit of only LegacyTowers residents.  All garbage must be contained in paper/plastic bags or containers that do not leak and must be placed inside the dumpster. Items left outside the dumpster will not be picked up and can cause an unsightly, smelly mess. Break down all cardboard boxes before putting them into the Dumpsters. Furniture, moving crates, and other large non kitchen/bathroom type of refuse are not permitted to be discarded at the dumpster site.

Storage Balconies are not to be used as storage areas. Personal property storage (camping gear, bicycles, toys, hoses, etc.) is permitted only in the resident's limited common area (balconies) or inside the unit. The buildings, parking areas, entrances, landscape must be kept clear at all times. Unsightly balconies will not be permitted.

Pets Legacy Unit 706 does not allow pets.


The hanging of bathing suits, clothing, rugs, towels and other items upon balconies or railings or from windows is prohibited except for the proper display of the United States Flag.

No unit owner/tenant shall decorate any part of his or her unit in the building so as to change the appearance of any balconies.This precludes the painting of any balconies except floor, illumination of the exterior of the building, displays of plants or other objects upon balconies or railings or exterior window sills or ledges. Under no circumstances will containers be allowed that will permit water and/or plant fertilizers to soak through to the building floors and/or lower walls and railings any exceptions must be approved by the Board of Directors in writing.

Pools All pools hours are 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. All children under the age of (12) must be accompanied by an adult at ALL times. Entry into the retention pond and waterfall areas is prohibited. No glass is allowed in any pool areas. $3000 fine for draining/refilling the pool plus expenses. Saunas Saunas hours are 6:00am to 10:00pm. Children are not allowed without adult supervision. No glass is allowed in the saunas. Turn off lights, heat control and timer after use.

Exercise Room Rules Hours of the exercise room will be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. No one under 18 permitted (Insurance Liability). Use of exercise room is at your own risk. These facilities are available on a first come first serve basis only. Each user is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. No alcoholic beverages or breakable containers are to be used in these areas.

Kitchen & Theater

Guest are not allowed the use of the community kitchen or theater unless accompanied by owner.

Clubhouse Rules The board shall maintain an inventory of the items within the clubhouse and of the condition of the Clubhouse and its contents. Clubhouse users are responsible for any damages in which they are responsible for. Violations of House Rules Rule violation notices will be issued after two rule violation instances where the violation is brought to the attention of the violator and the Board. Further violation will result in immediate action by the Board of Directors. An immediate $25 fine may be assessed to any person found in violation of certain rules at the discretion of the Board. For example: pets off leash, poop not scooped, garbage outside of dumpster, etc.